How our clients excelled in 2022


2022 was an exciting year full of new projects, User Group events and webinars, and working in partnership with our clients. We’ve summarised a few of our clients’ success stories in this blog.



The brewing brand’s data team wanted to refresh and scramble their entire SAP® and non-SAP ERP landscape more often. They started working with EPI-USE Labs with the aim of refreshing their non-production environment with anonymised data quickly.

After using the full Data Sync Manager™ (DSM) suite, the Heineken IT team is now able to refresh their test data quickly, easily, reliably and independently, keeping all their sensitive data consistently anonymous.


De Lijn

De Lijn

The transport organisation had been comparing payroll runs manually, which was intensive, repetitive and incurred high cost for the business.

When De Lijn started looking for more efficient ways to run payroll and create queries, EPI-USE Labs provided them with Variance Monitor™. This complementary solution streamlined their payroll runs and made their reporting much more efficient. They have also started using Query Manager™, which enables their functional HCM users to create reports in a much shorter time and without the need for an ABAP developer.


FairPrice Group

FairPrice Group

The specialist food group wants to optimise the resources of their four social enterprises and leverage their respective strengths to put consumers first. Their aim is to provide better value for all and make everything about food easy.

EPI-USE Labs facilitated their digital transformation, allowing them to migrate all employee data, without business interruption. With our Data Sync Manager (DSM) suite, they copied over 1,500 technical objects and duplicated 12,000 employees with payroll history, in less than four hours, including reconciliation.


Sound United

Sound United

Audio equipment specialist, Sound United, was using SAP systems copies to refresh their testing and development environments. This procedure took about two weeks to plan and four days to implement. Sound United realised they needed to optimise this process and started working with EPI-USE Labs.

Sound United started using Data Sync Manager (DSM) Client Sync™. By taking control of the process, they now have the ability to refresh data as required, be more self-reliant and agile, be more confident in their testing, and save costs and time.


Cadent Gas

Cadent Gas

Cadent Gas has a big demand for HCM reporting and payroll automation. As a result, they started an onshoring project to streamline and automate SAP reporting and payroll processes, with the ability to handle everything in-house.

They started using EPI-USE Lab’s Query Manager™ with Document Builder™. Now, the barriers between technical and non-technical staff have been eliminated, and they can create their own fully-customised reports independently, with numerous benefits (for example, managing reports centrally, distributing the workload, and more efficiency in the HR team).


We can’t wait for 2023 and working with our clients to solve their challenges!

Explore how we can solve your business challenges

Magdaleen Kotzé

Magdaleen is responsible for global marketing at EPI-USE Labs, working in collaboration with the regional marketing and line of business leaders. Having been involved in the SAP industry for the last fifteen years, she has an in-depth understanding of how EPI-USE Labs solutions solve clients' SAP business challenges. She is passionate about listening to our clients and identifying how we can meet their needs effectively. She is also a strong advocate for content marketing and storytelling.

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How our clients excelled in 2022

