DSM solves data challenges for oil refiner Tüpraş
EPI-USE Labs' Data Sync Manager (DSM) Suite solved complex challenges for Tüpraş, Turkey's largest industrial enterprise operating four oil refineries.
About Tüpraş:
Tüpraş is a leading energy company in Turkey that produces and sells fuels, electricity and green hydrogen. Operating four oil refineries, with a total of 28.1 million tons annual crude oil processing capacity, and a Nelson Complexity of 7.25, Tüpraş is Turkey’s largest industrial enterprise.
Some of the challenges encountered by this huge Turkish company included the following:- Creating development and test environments by using the data in production systems is a long and difficult process, requiring careful handling of the sensitive data relating to employee, vendor and customer details.
- Also, it is essential to scramble this kind of data in test and development systems.
- System synchronisation takes longer time periods, which then frustrates business owners.
- It is essential to decrease the amount of time needed for the copying procedure.
- In the process of system synchronization, non-essential data is also copied to development or test systems.
EPI-USE Labs’ solution:
- To overcome these challenges, Tüpraş was looking for a tool that works well with their SAP software.
- EPI-USE Labs proved that it could solve all their challenges using Data Sync Manager (DSM). At a week-long workshop, real-life cases were run to synchronise production data on a Tüpraş site.
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