HCM Productivity Suite webinar series:

With you every step of the way in the SAP HCM Journey

SESSIONS   Speakers   White paper

Our experts have worked in the SAP world for more than 25 years. With our extensive experience of SAP HCM we have created the HCM Productivity Suite to help you in every step of your HCM journey. Join us for a webinar series with five different episodes. We will talk about the different stages of the HCM journey, and how you can successfully manage all the tasks that it entails with our new HCM Productivity Suite.

The HCM Journey is a continuous cycle and includes these steps:

  HCM Productivity Suite brochure     HCM Productivity Suite

Our webinar series for you to enjoy...

15 October 2020 | 11:00 - 11:45 BST

Paula Ciaurriz | Chris Winters

Data quality in legacy systems, testing of support packs, production issue resolution, testing new developments – they are all activities that rely on good-quality data to succeed. In this session, we will be talking about the importance of high-quality data before, during and after the SAP HCM deployment, and how our HCM Productivity Suite helps you to achieve this goal.

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22 October 2020 | 11:00 - 11:45 BST

Vicky Bailey

Legislation compliance is ever-present in our HCM journey. Relevant to both privacy and HR legislation, HCM environments contain extremely sensitive data that needs to be protected, and at the same time needs to be easily accessible. You need to act quickly and accurately. In this session we will discuss the most critical current legislation like GDPR, the UK’s Furlough scheme, the new changes to the law on contractors’ retribution, Gender pay gap, and the newest CEO gender reporting. We will demonstrate with practical examples of how the HCM Productivity Suite would support you while adhering to the legislative changes.

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29 October 2020 | 14:00 - 14:45 GMT

Danielle Larocca

HCM professionals and managers require access to data in real-time to make critical business decisions. It can be challenging to get the information you need within the time frame that is requested. This could be because of different data sources and the need for the IT department to write new ABAP reports for the required reports. In this session, we will talk about the different challenges and how we can overcome them through the HCM Productivity Suite tools.

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5 November 2020 | 11:00-11:45 GMT

Juanma Ledo

In a company’s lifecycle, it is inevitable that business and technological changes occur. This could be a merger or an acquisition, decoupling your HR system from ECC or moving Payroll to ECP – all activities that can become very time-consuming and overwhelming for IT teams. Our team of experts has collected many different experiences from different companies worldwide, and adjusted our offering to make it the ideal solution in any scenario. In this session, we will expand on the importance and complexity of these changes and how to deal with them in the most effective way.

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12 November 2020 | 11:00- 11:45 GMT

Paul Hammersley

Nowadays it is not uncommon to have some of your HR data on-premise and some in the cloud. In this session we will dive deeper into the importance of data quality and data protection, focusing specifically on SuccessFactors and hybrid copying and masking. 

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Ensuring data quality before, during and after your SAP HCM implementation

Evan Jones

SAP® HCM and SuccessFactors are some of the most dynamic modules in the SAP space today. These solutions have undergone a large transformation, and continue to evolve with the latest technologies. Clients embarking on various SAP SuccessFactors implementations face a host of priorities for implementation planning and deployment, and for maintaining the system’s homeostasis after go-live.



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Privacy and HR legislation compliance

Vicky Bailey

One of the biggest changes in the HCM arena is around compliance and the legislation that companies now have to adhere to globally. Compliance requirements are present during every stage of the HR process, right from the job application stage through to termination, with significant compliance legislation focused around employee pay.







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Are you worried about Data Replication between SuccessFactors & SAP?

Danielle Larocca

We have a new term in the HCM landscape that is trending now: Data Replication. Data replication is a fancy term for making sure your correct data exists in the right systems.





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Adapting to business and technological changes

Magdaleen Kotzé

What does it mean to adapt to business and technology changes in the context of SAP HCM? In this blog series about the SAP SuccessFactors HCM Journey, we have explored different processes during the HCM lifecycle where you can use products to access the data you require more easily, or automate your processes as needed. For this blog, we are looking at a few scenarios where you need to adapt to either business or technological changes.

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Protect your employee’s personal data across the entire SAP, SuccessFactors and ABAP landscape

Paul Hammersley

SAP SuccessFactors introduced tools very early on to assist with privacy legislation compliance for your Production instances. You can read more about this in Raghavendra Kumar’s excellent blog including support for Data Subject Access Requests, purging of historical data, blocking data from some users and Read Access logging.

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Understanding the journey from SAP to SuccessFactors and how to make it successfully

Danielle Larocca

Want to get some easy tips on the Journey from SAP to SuccessFactors, and how to do it successfully? 

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Download whitepaper

Get tips from Danielle Larocca on the Journey from SAP to SuccessFactors

SAP HCM Journey white paper

Our speakers

Danielle Larocca Danielle Larocca

Senior Vice-President of HCM Solutions

Juanma Ledo Juanma Ledo

Services Associate for Southern Europe & SAP HCM SME

Vicky Bailey Vicky Bailey

HCM Consultant

Maria Robinson Maria Robinson

HCM Marketing Specialist

Paula Ciaurriz Paula Ciaurriz

Senior Services Consultant

Chris Winters Chris Winters

Services Consultant

Frans Wichmann Frans Wichmann

HCM Solutions Architect

Paul Hammersley Paul Hammersley

SVP ALM Product Portfolio at EPI-USE Labs