EPI-USE Labs partners with KOLON BENIT to enhance SAP landscape in Korea


EPI-USE Labs, a global software and managed services provider for SAP landscape optimisation and transformation, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with KOLON BENIT, the innovative IT arm of the KOLON Group. The arrangement will enable Korean organisations to optimise performance and efficiency in their SAP environments, by combining EPI-USE Labs' and KOLON BENIT's collective technology and know-how, with KOLON’s industry reach.

EPI-USE Labs partners with KOLON BENIT to enhance SAP Landscape in Korea - Header 2


EPI-USE Labs, a global software and managed services provider for SAP landscape optimisation and transformation, is pleased to announce a strategic partnership with KOLON BENIT, the innovative IT arm of the KOLON Group. The arrangement will enable Korean organisations to optimise performance and efficiency in their SAP environments, by combining EPI-USE Labs' and KOLON BENIT's collective technology and know-how, with KOLON’s industry reach.

With a strong background in AI, Big Data, Cloud and DX, KOLON BENIT has established itself as a leader in the provision of technology and services to many industries including manufacturing, finance, fashion, construction and public sector agencies. Clients will benefit from enhanced SAP landscape management, stronger data security, and better integration in the Cloud.  

"We are delighted about the new venture, which combines the EPI-USE Labs selective data transition methodology with the KOLON BENIT S/4HANA conversion and transformation approach, to enable Korean clients to simplify and accelerate the modernisation of their SAP ERP systems, using SAP best practice," said Stephen Owens, Partner at EPI-USE Labs parent Group Elephant Limited, and in charge of EPI-USE Labs worldwide.

"This partnership will offer choices to clients considering system modernisation, through either brownfield or greenfield approaches. With KOLON BENIT’s S/4HANA expertise and experience combined with that of EPI-USE Labs, we expect that the selective data transition approach will resonate strongly with organisations in Korea," added KyoungHo Kim, EPI-USE Labs Korea Country Manager.

JooYoung Chong, Director/Head of ITS Business Unit at KOLON BENIT said, "Having been in the SAP S/4HANA implementation business for close to a decade, KOLON BENIT has accumulated a lot of technical know-how, and leveraging the core technology of EPI-USE Labs will be a further and significant differentiator for us in the local market."

Kolon Benit (3)

About EPI-USE Labs

As a global business with a 40-plus year track record, EPI-USE Labs provides software and managed services to over 1,700 clients across 52 countries, helping organisations manage and transform SAP landscapes, and optimise performance, management and security of their SAP and SAP SuccessFactors-based systems. 

EPI-USE Labs is owned by Group Elephant Limited, which employs over 4,300 people across 42 countries, serving over 2,000 of the world’s largest corporations and public sector agencies. The Group is largely employee-owned, and is the primary benefactor of Elephants, Rhinos & People (ERP.ngo) focusing on the preservation of at-risk Elephants and Rhinos in the wild in Southern Africa.

www.epiuselabs.com | groupelephant.com | erp.ngo

About Kolon Benit

KOLON BENIT is the leading IT innovator of the KOLON Group. KOLON BENIT boasts rich experiences in the fields of AI, Big Data, Cloud and DX across various industries of manufacturing, finance, fashion and construction.

A leading distributor of global IT solutions, KOLON BENIT specialises in IT solutions and boasts solid partnership with clients. KOLON BENIT also provides its IT products and services to public entities, governments and private sectors.


Media contact for queries

KyoungHo Kim, Country Manager for Korea & Japan at kyoung.ho.kim@epiuse.labs.com

Mark Ng, Account Executive at mark.ng@labs.epiuse.com

Joyee Pan

Based in Malaysia, Joyee brings nearly a decade of experience in marketing and branding across diverse sectors including healthcare, fashion, and information technology. Her role involves crafting and executing marketing initiatives and strategies crucial for establishing and expanding EPI-USE Labs' presence and awareness throughout the Asia region.

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EPI-USE Labs partners with KOLON BENIT to enhance SAP landscape in Korea

