Sarah Enders is the Marketing Manager for the Americas region at EPI-USE Labs. She enjoys meeting new people, learning about new technologies, and contributing to the growth of the business. Sarah lives in Minneapolis with her husband, 3 kids, and a very energetic dog.
Join us and other SAP experts, customers, partners and business leaders from leading organizations at SAP TechEd's Global virtual event, November 16-18th. Join from your homes, offices, and creative spaces for two days of non-stop inspiration and hands-on learning! SAP TechEd offers hundreds of sessions led by SAP gurus and industry experts will share product road maps, best practices, demos, tips and tricks, code samples, and hands-on exercises.
Our most talented SAP data pros will be available to chat online with you about your unique technology challenges and to share best practices, tips and advice on how to optimize your SAP test data management and extend your SAP investment.
Meet with our data pros and discover how you can shrink your test systems by 75% with lean, fit for purpose clients and eliminate project related system copy delays by up to 50%. We are offering one on one meetings to show you some of the latest and greatest product updates. You'll get a $50 gift card for meeting with us (valid in the USA, Canada and Latin America only)
Follow @EPIUSELabs on twitter for event updates and all the latest #SAPTechEd news
We can't wait to chat with you!
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