HCM Virtual User Group event: April 15, 2021

13 April 2021
Written by Sarah Enders

Sarah Enders is the Marketing Manager for the Americas region at EPI-USE Labs. She enjoys meeting new people, learning about new technologies, and contributing to the growth of the business. Sarah lives in Minneapolis with her husband, 3 kids, and a very energetic dog.

HCM Virtual user Group

This one-day event is dedicated to helping HR teams maximize their
SAP HCM investment in a world of ever-changing market conditions.

Join us on Thursday, April 15th from the comfort of your home office for the EPI-USE Labs HCM Virtual User Group!  


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We have many live and on-demand sessions, interviews, demos and updates throughout the day with thought leaders from different industries who will discuss strategies in HCM, the latest trends in SAP & SuccessFactors, EPI-USE Labs product updates and more. 


Agenda for the live sessions start at 9:00 AM EST: 

  • 9:00–9:45 AM (EST): Keynote: The future of HR: Navigating your SAP HCM journey during times of change. Imran Sajid, SAP

  •  10:00–10:45 AM (EST): Developing your HCM /HXM Strategy: Simplify & Accelerate your journey to the cloud. Tom Gross & Danielle Larocca, EPI-USE Labs

  • 11:00–11:30 AM (EST): Roundtable: Shutterfly's journey from non-SAP systems to EC & ECP. John Thompson & Ryan Black, Shutterfly; Mary Graybeal & Jen Spaulding, EPI-USE Labs

  • 11:30–12:30 PM (EST): 7 critical functions for running SAP HCM on-prem or Hybrid SAP SuccessFactors. Lane Small & Danielle Larocca, EPI-USE Labs

  • 12:45–1:30 PM (EST): HCM Product Update. Eben de Lange & Jhani Coetzee, EPI-USE Labs

  • 1:30–2:00 PM (EST): Gaining insight into your SAP HCM & SuccessFactors data. Jhani Coetzee, EPI-USE Labs 

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to connect with other HR professional and experts during this free event. The EPI-USE Labs' team will be available to answer your questions, or just to say “hello” and connect with our clients!

Register Now



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