EPI-USE Labs News Blogs

6 Secret Solutions for SAP HCM Reporting

Written by Danielle Larocca | Aug 29, 2018 8:53:33 AM

Ebook for download: Tricks of the trade for customers still using SAP Query, the Ad Hoc Query and transaction code SQ01.

With Danielle Larocca's 20-plus years in the SAP HCM space, she is probably most known for reporting. After a few books, hundreds of speaking engagements around the world and numerous articles, she is still talking about SAP Query. What’s fascinating is that there is still a very large number of SAP HCM’s approximately 14,000 on-premise customers who are using these SAP delivered tools for reporting.

Danielle has put together a quick little ebook that showcases her six favorite workarounds or secrets that you can leverage to get the most out of your SQ01 reporting. It is available for download for free below.