Realize the full value of your SAP and EPI-USE Labs'
investment with Premium Support Services
Premium Support Services are an additional option over and above our standard software support from our dedicated global support team. With our Premium Support Services, we offer customized advanced business expertise and services related to your EPI-USE Labs software, at a discounted rate, for a set number of days, months or years. Premium Support Service contracts allow you to leverage the EPI-USE Labs team for a variety of product work and/or services, including the examples below, to meet ongoing requirements throughout the year.
Optional services covered include training (excluding travel to site), report and document building services, advanced EPI-USE Labs product configuration, managed refreshes including tuning and oversight, bespoke data scrambling, custom scenario objects, sandbox builds, system rebuilds and landscape transformation advice.
This contract can also be used to augment your team for Basis-type services, or to run workshops for System Landscape Optimization (SLO) and Migration projects. Expertise is provided by our expertly trained EPI-USE Labs associates with extensive SAP experience; they are proficient in using the EPI-USE Labs solutions and can provide in-depth advice on your SAP IT landscape.
Importantly, purchasing these days alongside the maintenance on EPI-USE Labs software means that you can get our experts on site whenever you need them, without the need for a lengthy procurement sales cycle or budget approval. You are able to lock in a pre-negotiated rate for these days, based on purchased volume, and deduct days as needed in (a minimum of) half-day increments at your discounted rate. A percentage of your pre-purchased days carry over into the following year. So, for a limited cost, you can ensure your investment in EPI-USE Labs solutions and your SAP system is fully realized.
EPI-USE Labs is a Corporate Affiliate of the Association for Project Management (APM)
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Jamie Neilan, the Services Director for the European region, explains how Premium Support Services work in practice:
"At EPI-USE Labs, we focus on delivering great solutions for our clients, and we also look at things from the other side of the desk. We try to answer the question: how can we ensure this solution will be adopted seamlessly into business as usual, and realise value? There are always challenges along the way, however, those challenges are something I enjoy and relish. Our solutions have such a positive impact on our clients' businesses and being involved in their journey is very fulfilling."
"Our Premium Support offering is really about forward planning. This is true for both us and our clients. It is an offering designed to optimise planning for the year ahead. What we have found is that clients often have urgent needs during the year, and sometimes the commercial process can complicate quick delivery. Our clients asked us put out an option that allows for better engagement. Support days can be purchased in advance, so when there is a need, our teams can be deployed much more quickly."
"The simple answer is 'everything'. Premium Support is not specific, and our customers have been very creative with how they use this offering. We are doing managed landscape refreshes, advanced training, customising the products (e.g. to produce a greater slice on very large tables, adding additional objects for scrambling) and optimisation. The optimisation of the solution is very popular. We have found that many long-term customers have not always had the bandwidth to realise the potential of new updates, and spending a few days with them optimising the software, as well as the process around refreshes, realises massive benefits. This is the key; we have a large team with a wide range of skills, and can get both technical and functional experts involved to help you get more from our solutions."
"We have always encouraged feedback from customers. I want our clients to know that we are really listening, considering and reacting to what they are saying. We do our best to understand the nature of the problem, then produce a viable solution to an answer in a timely manner. With our Premium Support Services contracts, we can really take our client engagement to the next level to provide expertise on call for our clients."
© 2025 EPI-USE Labs
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