Selected SAP SLO transformation projects 

Find out how others have benefited from using EPI-USE Labs' automated software and specialised System Landscape Optimization (SLO) consultants

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Transform SAP landscapes after business change

In business, change is inevitable, but recent years have brought even more changes than could have been imagined.
any businesses have adapted to employees working remotely, and are adjusting to other business changes.


Business changes such as mergers, acquisitions, regional to global transitions and subsidiary sales can affect your entire SAP production landscape. These events are complex, critical and time-sensitive; your data may need to be merged, carved out or split up. We offer powerful solutions and proven methodologies. We specialise in extracting the right data and migrating it rapidly, to enable the transformation of your SAP Landscape.


Our System Landscape Optimization (SLO) team, using a specially enabled version of the Data Sync Manager (DSM) product suite, implements these changes drawing on a 'bank' of expertise and intellectual capital. Our experienced consultants will oversee the technical phases of the project, dealing with all the inherent complexities. And our technology-driven approach can significantly reduce the end-to-end project duration.

Transforming SAP landscapes

Find out more about a diverse selection of our recent successful SLO projects.

FirstGroup plc
  SEP 2023 to MAY 2024

FirstGroup plc

Greenfield S/4HANA implementation 
Copy objects as per provided criteria from ECC6 to S/4. Leverage EPI-USE Labs' IP to generate files as per SAP Template to upload on S/4HANA, managed by a partner.

FirstGroup plc
  FEB 2023 to OCT 2023


SLO Carve-out: SAP ECC
Carve-out of all customising; master and transactional data sliced according to seven company codes and sub-modules related data for buyer company Calderys.

  FEB 2023 to OCT 2023


SLO Carve-out: SAP BW
Carve-out of customising, InfoObjects content and InfoProviders data sliced according to seven company codes and specific characteristics for buyer company Calderys.

Menzies Aviation
  JULY 2023 to DEC 2023

Menzies Aviation

PRISM implementation
Major data migration to move ECC Payroll data to SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll (ECP), including migrating more than 120GB of data.

Menzies Aviation
  MARCH 2023 to MARCH 2024


IS-U carve-out for a single Company Code
Carve-out of both master and transactional data for a single company code using the IS-U scenarios, using the BEGRU field of the PoD as the selection criteria. 

  MARCH 2023 to JUNE 2024


Logical separation of functional forms business (25 company codes)
Logical separation (in place) of 25 company codes into a new enterprise structure. Selected by numerous different characteristics such as plant, material and association to cost centre. Project included the merging/consolidation of companies within the new structure. Full finance migration including all balance sheet items, fixed assets and open projects completed as part of the project. 

Schiphol airport
  NOV 2022 to JAN 2024

Schiphol airport

Integration to EC

A move from on-premises to ECP. Complex due to lack of understanding of the new model for the customer. EPI-USE retained AMS services and the implementation of PCC

Schiphol airport
The Automobile Association
  MARCH 2023 to JAN 2024

The Automobile Association

Unicode Conversion and PRISM Migration to SAP SuccessFactors ECP
Migration of The AA's on-premise payroll system to SAP SuccessFactors ECP with EPI-USE Labs PRISM method and data transfer powered by Data Sync Manager (DSM).

The Automobile Association
  SEPT 2023 to AUG 2024


PRISM migration from ECP to SAP ECC HCM system 
Migration of HCM Payroll-related data (Master, Organizational, Transactional) from ECP system into a live SAP ECC HCM system. Seven countries in scope and about 3,500 employees.

  NOV 2023 to FEB 2024


SLO Carve-out: SAP ECC
Carve-out of all customising; master and transactional data sliced according to four company codes and sub-modules related data for buyer Mytilineos.

Global cable business
  SEPT 2022 to DEC 2022

Global cable business

Data clean-up
Data removal for the systems (old ones) used on the Belden carve-out to Grass Valley.

Global cable business
  AUG 2022 to DEC 2022


Company code carve-out
Carve-out of 17 Company codes for the sales of Thalia business.

Italian telematic services & advanced data analytics
  JULY 2022 to DEC 2022

Italian telematic services & advanced data analytics

Plant merge
IT03 and IT04 existing Company codes merged onto IT03 (most voluminous to lowest). Needs of plant merge and use of Bancon IT bPosting engine.

Italian telematic services & advanced data analytics
Contract catering (French)
  MAR 2022 to Dec 2022

Contract catering (French)

Data clean-up
Data removal in FICO and Retail systems, related to previous Elior project; deletion of data related to 43 Company codes.

Contract catering (French)
FirstGroup Plc
  SEPT 2022 to OCT 2022

FirstGroup Plc

Company code template copy
Copy Company code configuration and master data to new Company code number in new client to form a ready-to-use company shell in preparation for contract handover.

FirstGroup Plc
Agro fertilizer
  JAN 2022 to SEPT 2022

Agro fertilizer

Company code carve-out
ERP Company code carve-out; Business Partner as a leveraged technique for GTS slicing, and BW/NLS slicing as per Company code and manual slicing.

Agro fertilizer
E-commerce retailer
  APR 2022 to AUG 2022

E-commerce retailer

Company code carve-out
ERP Company code carve-out for the Brazilian business, as Spain and Portugal were not on SAP anymore. Included internal data rationalisation.

E-commerce retailer
Glasses producer
  DEC 2021 to JUNE 2022

Glasses producer

Company code carve-out
ERP Company code carve-out and Warehouse Management (WM) number leveraged technique for  Enterprise Warehouse Management (WM) slicing.

Glasses producer
European manufacturing company
  APR to OCT 2021

European manufacturing company

New internal entity structure; reallocation of specific logistical and financial data
Creation of new Company codes and reallocation of a Corby specific plant, including the migration of all relevant financial data.

European manufacturing company
Multinational electronics & healthcare company
  NOV 2021 to MAY 2022

Multinational electronics & healthcare company

BP data transfer from FSCM system to CFIN
As part of the CFIN adoption and in connection to Business Partner alignment, a list of tables and data has been captured as per a BP list.

Multinational electronics & healthcare company
European industrial and multi-utility
  JAN 2022 to MAY 2022

European industrial and multi-utility

Migration from ECC to ECP; Norwegian payroll
Migration activity for Lyse of their Norwegian SAP HCM systems to SAP Employee Central Payroll (ECP). Carve out the existing SAP HCM HR and Payroll in readiness, and place master and transactional data into the new ECP system.

European industrial and multi-utility
Spanish government organisation
  NOV 2021 to APR 2022

Spanish government organisation

HCM carve-out from HEC to HEC
ERP HCM carve-out from full ERP (HEC) to another standalone HEC system. Standard SAP system copy was used; client was deleted and then Client Sync was used to populate the client data.

Spanish government organisation
European manufacturing company
  NOV 2021 to APR 2022

European manufacturing company

New internal entity structure; reallocation of specific logistical and financial data
Creation of new Company codes and reallocation of a red specific plant, including the migration of all relevant financial data. 

European manufacturing company
  MAR 2022 to NOV 2022


Historical Company code carve-out
Selection of a subset of Company code data for the last three years to reduce data footprint.

Multinational electronics & healthcare company
  JULY 2021 to MAR 2022

Multinational electronics & healthcare company

Selective Data Transfer with S/4HANA transformation and currency conversion
As part of a transition to S/4HANA, the opportunity was taken to transfer only the relevant company codes with their related data. In order to support the S/4HANA transformation, a currency conversion on the financial data for these company codes. A chart of accounts review, renumbering on profit center and G/L accounts were also part of the project scope

Multinational electronics & healthcare company
Mobile phone provider
  NOV 2021 to FEB 2022

Mobile phone provider

Company code verification
SAP managed the data carve-out, and EPI-USE Labs was tasked to control the data on target, leveraging the Query Manager engine to confirm the disappearance of non-region-specific data, and that all the relevant regional data was correctly migrated.

Mobile phone provider
European services company
  SEP 2021 to FEB 2022

European services company

Reallocation of plant specific logistic and financial data
The business needed to merge the data of two different firms. Therefore, EPI-USE Labs and Bancon worked together to convert the relevant data from one company code to another one. On top of open items, assets and banking data, specific master data and config tables have been converted, making sure the business could carry on its standard activities with no impacts.

European services company
FairPrice Group
  DEC 2021

FairPrice Group

HCM data merge
Approximately 25,000 employees to sync from current Production system to target Production system with Object Sync (file export/import).

FairPrice Group
Multinational chemical manufacturing company
  SEP to DEC 2021

Multinational chemical manufacturing company

New internal entity structure and reallocation of specific specific logistic & financial data
Creation of two new company codes and reallocation of one specific plant and then slicing two shared plants to the new company codes. The project included the migration of all relevant financial data.

Multinational chemical manufacturing company
Global petrochemical manufacturer
  SEP to NOV 2021

Global petrochemical manufacturer

Company code carve out
Carve out of specific entities within the system to a new target SAP system containing data relevant to only the company code in scope

Global petrochemical manufacturer
International Bakery
  OCT 2020 to APR 2021

International Bakery

Food products (ingredients and products) to be sold off and split for different buyers
Complex nine systems carve-out (ERP, SRM, CRM), where some businesses were retained and others sold off. A combination of master data only, stock clean up and data merge was performed.

International Bakery
Pharmaceutical company
  NOV 2020 TO JAN 2021

Pharmaceutical company

Splitting and transforming the data from one production (plant) to a new system
Shifting data from one company code to another within the same system.  Also leveraging SAP Sub-enterprise structures, within a 14-week timeline and four trial runs.

Pharmaceutical company
Travel Company
  SEP 2020 to JAN 2021

Travel Company

Carve out international business data as part of sale to a fund
Our client needed to carve out a part of the business data for a division that was due to be sold. Project within an S/4HANA environment.

Travel Company
  MAY 2020 TO DEC 2020 (* APR 21)


Mexican data split for local buying
The source system was a large SAP Retail installation. Only the data pertaining to the Mexican business had to be carved out to be provided to a local buyer.

* project postponed due to business change.

Energy Company
  JUN 2020 TO NOV 2020

Energy Company

GDPR application of the law
To comply with GDPR, our client needed to anonymise outdated customer data in Production, performed for very large SAP IS-U and CRM systems.

Energy Company
Home Appliance Company
  MAY 2020 TO NOV 2020

Home Appliance Company

Decentralisation project to create an independent data framework for Asia Pacific
Part of a worldwide project to own the SAP instance locally based on the European mother company system. Only Customising and some Master Data was copied, and connected to the Master Data Governance to inject the relevant Master Data later.

Home Appliance Company
P&O Reyser
  APRIL 2020 to AUG 2020

P&O Reyser

Carve-out of P&O Reyser from Berge.
After a divestiture of P&O Reyser from Bergé, a new SAP system with all of P&O Reyser's data needed to be created to give them independence from the previous group. Read more

P&O Reyser
  APRIL 2020 to JULY 2020


Carve-out data of Avara business for AstraZeneca Reims production
The source system was located in the USA and the carved out data was moved to Sweden. A key consideration was that the data was very business sensitive.

  MAY 2020 to JULY 2020


Selling of Belgium and Estonia businesses along with employee data (all history)
Part of a larger project to sell off parts of the operations. A piece of the Belgian business was sold concurrently. The system contained ERP and HR data, increasing the importance of protecting data for GDPR compliance. Read more

  JAN 2020 to APRIL 2020


Internal carve-out of five company codes within the same environment.
The five company codes for the carve-out were linked in a complex set of ERP and CRM systems."Communication is key: overall we had a good experience." Erik Bollens, Agfa. Read more

  SEPT 2019 to FEB 2020


Data clean-up and GDPR reporting in SAP IS-U environment.
Mass redaction of two million Business Partners from ISU, linked CRM and smart metering systems. Also enabled the Innogy team by delivering a retention report for future use and ongoing business-as-usual runs.


SAP System Landscape Optimization (SLO) is complex. 
We have the experience and experts to streamline your project.

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Related SLO success stories


P&O Reyser

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LafargeHolcim merger

LafargeHolcim merger

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Agile delivery of company carve-out

Agile delivery of company

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