Reduced hosting costs
by copying a subset of data
Quicker SAP client refreshes
Time saved with test
data on demand
Stahl is a world leader in the chemistry of coatings, processing and treatments. Its products add functionality, durability and
comfort to many different materials used in everyday life. Through its continuous focus on innovation and improving the
environmental footprint, its unique service model and premium solutions add value to various industries.
Stahl employs over 1,800 staff worldwide and has manufacturing facilities in 11 countries.
The data in Stahl’s SAP® non-production environment was more than three years old. Some of the team at Stahl had experience of using Data Sync Manager™ at previous companies and recognised that the suite could be used to improve the refresh process at Stahl. They wanted to refresh test and development data quickly, reduce the footprint by selecting a time slice intelligently and to work independently of their hosting partner. Their experience of the product and EPI-USE Labs’ excellent track record were strong motivators in supporting a business case for improving the refresh process.
Data Sync Manager is now used to refresh Stahl’s ECC, APO and BPC systems. The company is able to refresh all systems more easily and slice the data to reduce the hosting costs. The non-production systems are smaller and have more recent data for development and testing. And importantly, the staff at Stahl are able to use Data Sync Manager themselves, independently of their hosting partner.
The ECC production system is 1.5TB, refreshing with six months’ results in a refresh period of a weekend and a QAS system of 750Gb. Stahl now uses Data Sync Manager to perform a refresh two to three times per year.
Data Sync Manager is an excellent tool to enable the business to perform SAP User Acceptance Testing (UAT) far better and also to help IT teams perform SAP client refreshes at short notice and cut cost on infrastructure of QA.
Priti Trivedi, Global SAP Service & Delivery Manager
It was a big win for the SAP team at Stahl. They have optimised their client refresh process and now have more agility to perform a refresh when needed by the business. An example is creating a new set of data when a project starts. Other benefits are the reduced cost of paying for less storage and the ability to manage this cost more effectively.
Quicker refreshes enable the team to operate more efficiently, freeing them up for other business-as-usual tasks. Improving the process means they can refresh more frequently and it improves the quality of testing and development.
We’ve significantly reduced the size of our test systems. Even more important, we’ve created a test environment that is very close to the status of production. This increased the quality of our tests and allows incident analysis to work 95% in the test systems. Going live with new projects or changes is highly predictable and well- controlled now.
Piet Bekkers, Global IT Director, Stahl
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