Guide your SAP S/4HANA project to success
Recorded: 21 October 2021
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About this session
Watch this session to learn how to make your S/4HANA project a success. This SIG meeting featured:
- Expert Presentation: Guide Your SAP S/4HANA Project to Success – Best practices and experience from over 900+ SAP S/4HANA implementations – presented by our guest expert Lars Rueter, Head of S/4HANA Customer Care & Regional Implementation Group APJ, SAP
The S/4HANA Regional Implementation Group (RIG) has supported more than 1000 S/4HANA projects over the past six years. Along the way they learned a lot about what it takes to make a company’s transition to S/4HANA successful. This session provided SAUG members with an update on their learnings from projects, the current project situation, first experience from the RISE with SAP program and SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition implementations. It also looked at the roadmap ahead for S/4HANA and an update on the compatibility scope way ahead. No one has had more experience with implementing S/4HANA systems so you must not miss the unique and valuable learnings from this session. - How your Sandbox project becomes the playbook for your S/4HANA migration – presented by Daniel Parker, Solutions Director, EPI-USE Labs
Why does a Sandbox come first? If you decide to investigate the Brownfield approach, SAP recommends doing a Sandbox four months before, and suggests you may need to do this conversion 2-3 times before you’re ready to start the actual project. Although that sounds daunting, a lot of the hard work will be done in the Sandbox phase, making the project itself simpler and quicker. In this session, Daniel discussed the first steps on your S/4HANA journey, why a Sandbox comes first, what happens in your Sandbox and how the outcome of your Sandbox project provides the playbook for your S/4 migration.
Daniel Parker
Solutions Director at EPI-USE Labs
With more than 20 years of SAP experience, Daniel specialises in data copy automation and data security. With a strong Basis background Daniel has led technical teams around the SAP Lifecycle of Implementations, Upgrades, Conversions & Migrations. He leads an experienced consulting team and delivers a variety of SAP landscape optimisation solutions to organisations in the Asia Pacific region.
Lars Rueter
Head of S/4HANA Customer Care & Regional Implementation Group APJ | SAP
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