
Navigate the future of SAP SuccessFactors with confidence

 29 May 2024

SAP HCM customers recognize the growing urgency to transition to S/4HANA and/or the Cloud. Despite this, the multitude of options and deadlines can make it challenging to determine when critical actions are required.

Watch this webinar to clarify these complexities and streamline your decision-making process.

Led by SAP Mentor and SuccessFactors Confidant, Danielle Larocca, this webinar explores specific payroll solutions tailored to enhance your operations, including SuccessFactors Employee Central Payroll, SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud Edition (PCE), and SAP HCM for S/4HANA On-Premise (H4S4). Gain a clear understanding of the differences between these options, and the strategic advantages and limitations each presents.

Key takeaways:

  • Tailored pathways with S/4HANA: Evaluate the strategic benefits of migrating to SAP S/4HANA Private Cloud Edition or continuing with SAP HCM for S/4HANA On-Premise. Understand each option's advantages to find the best fit for your organizational needs.
  • Future-proof with SAP’s Cloud Payroll: Learn about SAP’s cloud-based Payroll solutions, including SuccessFactors innovations, to ensure your payroll systems remain cutting-edge and adaptable to future changes.


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About the presenter

Danielle Larocca | Senior Vice-President HCM and EIM Solutions at EPI-USE Labs

Danielle has worked in the SAP HCM space for over 25 years and currently serves as an active SAP Mentor and SuccessFactors Confidant (roles appointed by SAP and SuccesssFactors respectively).  She travels the globe speaking with clients and at conferences to share the latest technology advancements in HCM and reporting and analytics.  Danielle is certified in both SAP and SuccessFactors, has authored four best-selling books on SAP, and often serves as the Voice of the Expert on SAPinsider’s Ask the Expert series for HR. 

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